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مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

کتاب Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases زبان اصلی

اختصاصی از زد فایل کتاب Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases زبان اصلی دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

کتاب Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases زبان اصلی

کتاب Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases زبان اصلی

کتاب Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases زبان اصلی

The Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases is an accurate and reliable source of in-depth information on the diseases that kill more than 12 million individuals worldwide each year. In fact, cardiovascular diseases are more prevalent than the combined incidence of all forms of cancer, diabetes, asthma and leukemia. In one volume, this Encylopedia thoroughly covers these ailments and also includes in-depth analysis of less common and rare heart conditions to round out the volume's scope. Researchers, clinicians, and students alike will all find this resource an invaluable tool for quick reference before approaching the primary literature.

حجم فایل: 7 مگابایت

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کتاب Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب ارزشمند Encyclopedia of Chess Problems

اختصاصی از زد فایل دانلود کتاب ارزشمند Encyclopedia of Chess Problems دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

دانلود کتاب ارزشمند Encyclopedia of Chess Problems

دانلود کتاب ارزشمند Encyclopedia of Chess Problems


دانلود کتاب ارزشمند Encyclopedia of Chess Problems

نویسندگان  Milan Velimirovic and Kari Valtonen

با دو فرمت : pdf-djvu نسخه اصلی

تعداد صفحات 522

انتشارات : chessinformant.rs


Every fan of chess composition can find in this book some thing of interest. The undersigned finds appeal in most aspects of the book, but being biased by his personal composing activity, particularly so in the core parts referring to themes and terms. For the undersigned, browsing through these extensive parts has been a fascinating "journey among the stars". Nowadays it seems that the time of basic themes is over. The time of the more complex themes has come, but these must preserve a number of basic characteristics: internal coherence and logic, a high prospective for inspiring composing and a strong survival capability which can only be verified over time. The themes should expose the potentials hidden in the contingent rules of chess - their power to create things of beauty, which in the case of chess compositions are dependent entities, as they are man-made. Beauty in chess composition is not constant but a dynamic concept. Taste will change over time, and like the stars in the skies, themes have their periods of flourishing and decline, depending on the amount of life or energy they possess, and how long it will take for each to burn its entire vitality before turning into a white dwarf. This book seems to have taken these or similar criteria into consideration. Hopefully the number of counter-examples is negligible and can easily be adjusted in a future edition. This comprehensive encyclopedia is special in our field of chess composition and will be enjoyed by chess players as well. It is a must in the library of all lovers of chess problems and studies." - Uri Avner, GM of Chess Composition, Honorary President of the WFCC



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دانلود کتاب ارزشمند Encyclopedia of Chess Problems

دانلود کتاب دایره المعارف ترکیب های شطرنج Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations-5th edition

اختصاصی از زد فایل دانلود کتاب دایره المعارف ترکیب های شطرنج Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations-5th edition دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

دانلود کتاب دایره المعارف ترکیب های شطرنج Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations-5th edition

دانلود کتاب دایره المعارف ترکیب های شطرنج Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations-5th edition

دانلود کتاب ارزشمند دایره المعارف ترکیب های شطرنج

Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations-5th edition

فرمت pdf

تعداد صفحات :» 658

نسخه اصلی با قابلیت کپی و چاپ

اتشارات: اینفورماتور Chess Informant

قیمت در سایت اصلی $49.99

شامل 3001 ترکیب طبقه بندی شده همراه با جواب

یکی از پرطرفدارترین و پرفروشترین کتابهای سایت اینفورماتور شطرنج شامل 3001 ترکیب طبقه بندی شده برای سطوح مختلف عمومی متوسطه و پیشرفته در نظر گرفته شده شما میتوانید این کتاب را با کمترین قیمت در ادامه دانلود کنید و قدرت ترکیب و محاسبه خود را بالا ببرید 

این کتاب شامل 3001 ترکیب طبقه بندی شده و مشروح از زمان مسابقات عملی شطرنج.  توسط هر کسی که می خواهد به منظور بالا بردن سطح بازی خود  و یا کسی که می خواهد شاگردان خود را به طور کامل برای رقابت شطرنج در مسابقات آماده کند

دانلود این کتاب به همه شطرنجبازان توصیه میشود 


ECC5  Is The Ultimate Educational Tool With Systematic, Carefully Selected Pro-Level Content

For ECC5 we are going back to our roots. In addition to the themes re-introduced in the 4th edition, in the 5th edition of the series the positions are now graded according to playing strength – basic, intermediate and advanced – just like it used to be in the well-known ‘white classic’, the 1st edition of Encyclopedia of Middlegames: Combinations, published in 1980.

Basic? Well, not quite. Perhaps we should say there is nothing too basic here. Even the starting level is challenging. In fact trying to solve some of the examples might drive you to despair! To be sure, throughout the Internet you will find a vast ocean of disordered, simplified tactics – but let others fool around and have quick and easy fun. For you, on the other hand, ECC5 is the ultimate educational tool with systematic, carefully selected pro-level content. Oh yes, the fun is still there, only on a completely different scale. Imagine the thrill you will get after solving – and surviving! – the Chess Riddle of the Sphinx.

The book contains 3,001 classified and annotated combinations from all-time tournament practice. It will be appreciated by anyone who wants to raise their level of play or who wants their students to be fully primed for competitive tournament chess.

Compared with the 4th edition there is approximately 5% new material, although with its new internal structure the book looks quite different. Nevertheless we do not think that readers who already own ECC4 need to acquire the 5th edition, since their book (proven bestseller!) contains all the essential features and has maintained its fine reputation. 

For all those who are thinking of acquiring the Encyclopedia for the first time, let’s just say that ECC5 is the standard work on the art of combinational chess. It is designed to offer infinite pleasure for chess enthusiasts or training for would-be-grandmasters. Or both!


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دانلود کتاب دایره المعارف ترکیب های شطرنج Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations-5th edition