استاندارد ASTM D 2216 تعیین درصد رطوبت سنگ و خاک در آزمایشگاه به فرمت PDF در 5 صفحه جهت دانلود قرار داده شده است.
Designation: D 2216 – 98
Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture)
Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
This test method covers the laboratory determination of the water (moisture) content by mass of soil, rock, and similar materials where the reduction in mass by drying is due to loss of water except as noted in 1.4, 1.5, and 1.7. For simplicity, the word “material” hereinafter also refers to either soil or rock, whichever is most applicable. 1.2 Some disciplines, such as soil science, need to determine water content on the basis of volume. Such determinations are beyond the scope of this test method
استاندارد ASTM D 2216 تعیین درصد رطوبت سنگ و خاک در آزمایشگاه