دانلود مقاله انگلیسی برآورد هزینه انرژی های تجدید پذیر برای یک سیستم انتقال( IEEE )
Estimation of the Costs due to Renewable Energies for a Transmission System Operator
: Abstract
By nature the generation from renewable energies sources is not performed on demand, but on offer. This yields the need of converting the energy to the actual demand. In Germany the execution of this process is obliged to the four transmission system operators. In this paper the occurring costs of the process of purchasing and transmitting renewable energies in Germany are analyzed for sample control areas. These costs include the expenses for additive required control power as well as the expenses caused by the special balancing group for renewable energies. During the operation of this balancing group accrue costs for balancing energy and as a result of trading transactions at electricity markets. Through this paper, the main question of the sensitivity of these costs from parameters in the observed control area is addressed
قالب : Pdf
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دانلود مقاله انگلیسی برآورد هزینه انرژی های تجدید پذیر برای یک سیستم انتقال( IEEE )