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مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

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مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

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Pricing and Revenue Optimization, 2011

اختصاصی از زد فایل Pricing and Revenue Optimization, 2011 دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Pricing and Revenue Optimization, 2011

Pricing and Revenue Optimization, 2011

368 صفحه

Pricing and Revenue Optimization


Stanford University Press

Robert Phillips


Chapter 1 Background and Introduction 1
1.1 Historical Background and Context 2
1.2 The Financial Impact of Pricing and Revenue Optimization 13
1.3 Organization of the Book 14
Chapter 2 Introduction to Pricing and Revenue Optimization 18
2.1 The Challenges of Pricing 18
2.2 Traditional Approaches to Pricing 22
2.3 The Scope of Pricing and Revenue Optimization 26
2.4 The Pricing and Revenue Optimization Process 29
2.5 Summary 35
2.6 Exercises 36
Chapter 3 Basic Price Optimization 38
3.1 The Price-Response Function 38
3.2 Price Response with Competition 55
3.3 Incremental Costs 59
3.4 The Basic Price Optimization Problem 61
3.5 Summary and Extensions 69
3.6 Exercises 70
Chapter 4 Price Differentiation 74
4.1 The Economics of Price Differentiation 75
4.2 Limits to Price Differentiation 77
4.3 Tactics for Price Differentiation 78
4.4 Volume Discounts 86
4.5 Calculating Differentiated Prices 89

4.6 Price Differentiation and Consumer Welfare 93
4.7 Summary 96
4.8 Exercises 96
Chapter 5 Pricing with Constrained Supply 99
5.1 The Nature of Supply Constraints 100
5.2 Optimal Pricing with a Supply Constraint 101
5.3 Opportunity Cost 103
5.4 Market Segmentation and Supply Constraints 104
5.5 Variable Pricing 106
5.6 Variable Pricing in Action 111
5.7 Summary 116
5.8 Exercises 117
Chapter 6 Revenue Management 120
6.1 History 121
6.2 Levels of Revenue Management 123
6.3 Revenue Management Strategy 123
6.4 The System Context 125
6.5 Booking Control 126
6.6 Tactical Revenue Management 131
6.7 Net Contribution in Revenue Management 136
6.8 Measuring Revenue Management Effectiveness 140
6.9 Revenue Management in Action 141
6.10 Summary 144
6.11 Exercise 146
Chapter 7 Capacity Allocation 149
7.1 Introduction 149
7.2 The Two-Class Problem 149
7.3 Capacity Allocation with Multiple Fare Classes 158
7.4 Capacity Allocation with Dependent Demands 165
7.5 Capacity Allocation in Action 169
7.6 Measuring Capacity Allocation Effectiveness 170
7.7 Summary 172
7.8 Exercises 173
Chapter 8 Network Management 176
8.1 Background and Introduction 176
8.2 When is Network Management Applicable? 177
8.3 A Linear Programming Approach 183
8.4 Virtual Nesting 189
8.5 Network Bid Pricing 195

8.6 Dynamic Virtual Nesting 202
8.7 Network Management in Action 202
8.8 Summary 204
8.9 Exercises 205
Chapter 9 Overbooking 207
9.1 Introduction 207
9.2 A Model of Customer Bookings 212
9.3 Solution Approaches 213
9.4 Extensions 228
9.5 Measuring and Managing Overbooking 233
9.6 Alternatives to Overbooking 235
9.7 *Appendix: Derivation of the Show Probability for Overbooking 237
9.8 Exercises 238
Chapter 10 Markdown Management 240
10.1 Background 241
10.2 Markdown Optimization 249
10.3 Estimating Markdown Sensitivity 256
10.4 Markdown Management in Action 258
10.5 Summary 261
10.6 Exercises 261
Chapter 11 Customized Pricing 264
11.1 Background and Business Setting 264
11.2 Calculating Optimal Customized Prices 269
11.3 Bid Response 277
11.4 Extensions and Variations 290
11.5 Customized Pricing in Action 297
11.6 Exercise 299
Chapter 12 Pricing and Revenue Optimization and Customer Acceptance 301
12.1 Price Presentation and Framing 304
12.2 Fairness 309
12.3 Implications for Pricing and Revenue Optimization 315
12.4 Summary 321
12.5 Exercise 321
Appendix A Optimization 323
A.1 Continuous Optimization 323
A.2 Linear Programming 324
A.3 Duality and Complementary Slackness 325
A.4 Discrete Optimization 326

Appendix B Probability 327
B.1 Probability Distributions 327
B.2 Continuous Distributions 330
B.3 Discrete Distributions 331


دانلود با لینک مستقیم

Pricing and Revenue Optimization, 2011

Handbook of Psychological Assessment, 2003, John Wily

اختصاصی از زد فایل Handbook of Psychological Assessment, 2003, John Wily دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Handbook of Psychological Assessment, 2003, John Wily

Handbook of Psychological Assessment, 2003, John Wily

843 صفحه

Handbook of Psychological Assessment, 2003

John Wily & Sons

4th Edition

Gary Groth


Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Organization of the Handbook 1
Role of the Clinician 3
Patterns of Test Usage in Clinical Assessment 5
Evaluating Psychological Tests 10
Validity in Clinical Practice 22
Clinical Judgment 25
Phases in Clinical Assessment 31
Recommended Reading 36
Chapter 2 Context of Clinical Assessment 37
Types of Referral Settings 37
Ethical Practice of Assessment 48
Test Bias and Use with Minority Groups 56
Selecting Psychological Tests 62
Computer-Assisted Assessment 66
Recommended Reading 68
Chapter 3 The Assessment Interview 69
History and Development 70
Issues Related to Reliability and Validity 74
Assets and Limitations 76
The Assessment Interview and Case History 78
Mental Status Examination 84
Interpreting Interview Data 90
Structured Interviews 91
Recommended Reading 101
Chapter 4 Behavioral Assessment 103
History and Development 105
Issues Related to Reliability and Validity 107
Assets and Limitations 110
Strategies of Behavioral Assessment 111
Recommended Reading 128
Chapter 5 Wechsler Intelligence Scales 129
Testing of Intelligence: Pro and Con 129
History and Development 132
Reliability and Validity 134
Assets and Limitations 137
Meaning of IQ Scores 140
Cautions and Guidelines in Administration 142
WAIS-III /WISC-III Successive Level Interpretation Procedure 145
Wechsler Subtests 160
Assessing Brain Damage 178
Assessing Additional Special Populations 186
Short Forms 191
Recommended Reading 195
Chapter 6 Wechsler Memory Scales 197
History and Development 198
Reliability and Validity 201
Assets and Limitations 203
Interpretation Procedure 204
Recommended Reading 212
Chapter 7 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 213
History and Development 215
Reliability and Validity 220
Assets and Limitations 223
Administration 230
Interpretation Procedure 231
Computerized Interpretation 239
Validity Scales 240
Clinical Scales 247
Two-Point Codes 270
MMPI-2 Content Scales 294
MMPI-A Content Scales 297
Harris-Lingoes and Si Subscales 300
Critical Items 304
MMPI-2 and MMPI-A Supplementary Scales 304
Recommended Reading 308
Chapter 8 Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory 311
History and Development 313
Reliability and Validity 317
Assets and Limitations 319
Interpretation Procedure 323
Modifying Indices (Validity Scales) 328
Clinical Personality Patterns 329
Severe Personality Pathology 346
Clinical Syndromes 351
Severe Syndromes 353
Recommended Reading 353
Chapter 9 California Psychological Inventory 355
History and Development 356
Comparison with the MMPI 358
Reliability and Validity 359
Assets and Limitations 360
Interpretation Procedures 363
Vector Scale Interpretation 368
Individual Scales 370
Special Purpose Scales 391
Configural Interpretation 393
Recommended Reading 406
Chapter 10 Rorschach 407
History and Development 408
Reliability and Validity 412
Assets and Limitations 416
Approaching Consensus on Rorschach Validity 419
Administration 420
Scoring 423
Structural Summary 433
Interpretation 440
Recommended Reading 475
Chapter 11 Thematic Apperception Test 477
History and Development 477
Theoretical Perspectives 480
Reliability and Validity 482
Assets and Limitations 485
Administration 488
Typical Themes Elicited 491
Scoring Procedures 505
Interpretation 514
Recommended Reading 515
Chapter 12 Screening and Assessing for
Neuropsychological Impairment 517
History and Development 520
Interviewing for Brain Impairment 523
Tests for Screening and Assessing for Neuropsychological Impairment 527
Tests of Visuoconstructive Abilities 528
Mental Activities (Attention and Speed of Information Processing) 548
Memory and Learning 556
Verbal Functions and Academic Skills 565
Tests of Motor Ability 570
Executive Functions 572
Emotional Status and Level of Adjustment 574
Recommended Reading 576
Chapter 13 Brief Instruments for Treatment Planning,
Monitoring, and Outcome Assessment 579
Selecting Brief Instruments 580
Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R) and Brief Symptom
Inventory (BSI) 581
The Beck Depression Inventory 587
State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) 590
Recommended Reading 593
Chapter 14 Psychological Assessment and
Treatment Planning 595
Development and Approaches to Treatment Planning 597
A Systematic Approach to Treatment Selection 601
Functional Impairment 603
Social Support 606
Problem Complexity/Chronicity 608
Coping Style 610
Resistance 612
Subjective Distress 614
Problem-Solving Phase 617
Recommended Reading 620
Chapter 15 Psychological Report 621
General Guidelines 623
Format for a Psychological Report 633
Sample Reports 647
Recommended Reading 671
Appendix A 673
Appendix B 677
Appendix C 678
Appendix D 679
Appendix E 680
Appendix F 682
Appendix G 690
Appendix H 691
Appendix I 696
Appendix J 699
Appendix K 700
Appendix L 702


دانلود با لینک مستقیم

Handbook of Psychological Assessment, 2003, John Wily

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طرح لایه باز کتاب فروشی

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