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زد فایل استاندارد ASTM E709 در خصوص تست ذرات مغناطیسی MT - Magnetic Particles - نسخه 2008 دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

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استاندارد ASTM E709
توضیح کامل تست ذرات مغناطیسی
MT - Magnetic Particles
یکی از تست های غیر مخرب
نسخه 2008
41 صفحه
Standard Guide for
Magnetic Particle Testing
1.1 This guide describes techniques for both dry and wet
magnetic particle testing, a nondestructive method for detect-
ing cracks and other discontinuities at or near the surface in
ferromagnetic materials. Magnetic particle testing may be
applied to raw material, semifinished material (billets, blooms,
castings, and forgings), finished material and welds, regardless
of heat treatment or lack thereof. It is useful for preventive
maintenance testing.
1.1.1 This guide is intended as a reference to aid in the
preparation of specifications/standards, procedures and tech-
1.2 This guide is also a reference that may be used as
1.2.1 To establish a means by which magnetic particle
testing, procedures recommended or required by individual
organizations, can be reviewed to evaluate their applicability
and completeness.
1.2.2 To aid in the organization of the facilities andpersonnel concerned in magnetic particle testing.
1.2.3 To aid in the preparation of procedures dealing with
the examination of materials and parts. This guide describes
magnetic particle testing techniques that are recommended for
a great variety of sizes and shapes of ferromagnetic materials
and widely varying examination requirements. Since there are
many acceptable differences in both procedure and technique,
the explicit requirements should be covered by a written
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استاندارد ASTM E709 در خصوص تست ذرات مغناطیسی MT - Magnetic Particles - نسخه 2008