مقاله SPE شماره 71054
Cost Control and Improved Production Performance Revive Drilling Program In 20 Year Old, Giant, Sour Gas Field. A Case Study
مقاله SPE شماره 71054
مقاله SPE شماره 71070
مقاله SPE 71206
مقاله SPE شماره 70132
760 صفحه پی دی اف
List of contributors xii
Preface xix
1 Introduction: Scope of the book and need for developing
a comparative approach to the ecological study of cities
and towns 1
Mark J. McDonnell, Ju¨rgen H. Breuste and Amy K. Hahs
Part I Opportunities and challenges of conducting
comparative studies 7
2 Comparative urban ecology: challenges and possibilities 9
Jari Niemela¨, D. Johan Kotze and Vesa Yli-Pelkonen
3 Frameworks for urban ecosystem studies: gradients, patch dynamics
and the human ecosystem in the New York metropolitan area and
Baltimore, USA 25
Steward T. A. Pickett, Mary L. Cadenasso, Mark J. McDonnell
and William R. Burch Jr
4 Comparative effects of urbanisation in marine
and terrestrial habitats 51
M. G. Chapman and A. J. Underwood
5 Comparative ecology of cities and towns: past, present
and future 71
Mark J. McDonnell and Amy K. Hahs
6 Comparative urban ecological research in developing countries 90
Sarel Cilliers, Henk Bouwman and Ernst Drewes
7 Using models to compare the ecology of cities 112
Michael McCarthy
Part II Ecological studies of cities and towns 127
8 Responses of faunal assemblages to urbanisation: global
research paradigms and an avian case study 129
Carla P. Catterall
9 Effect of urban structures on diversity of marine species 156
M. G. Chapman, David Blockley, Julie People and Brianna Clynick
10 Comparative studies of terrestrial vertebrates
in urban areas 177
Charles Nilon
11 The ecology of roads in urban and urbanising landscapes 185
Rodney van der Ree
12 Spatial pattern and process in urban animal communities 197
Yosihiro Natuhara and Hiroshi Hashimoto
13 Invertebrate biodiversity in urban landscapes: assessing
remnant habitat and its restoration 215
Dieter F. Hochuli, Fiona J. Christie and Boris Lomov
14 Arthropods in urban ecosystems: community patterns
as functions of anthropogenic land use 233
Nancy E. McIntyre and Jessamy J. Rango
15 Light pollution and the impact of artificial night lighting
on insects 243
Gerhard Eisenbeis and Andreas Ha¨nel
16 A comparison of vegetation cover in Beijing and Shanghai:
a remote sensing approach 264
Jun Yang and Zhou Jinxing
17 Vegetation composition and structure of forest patches along
urban–rural gradients 274
Wayne C. Zipperer and Glenn R. Guntenspergen
18 Environmental, social and spatial determinants of urban
arboreal character in Auckland, New Zealand 287
Colin D. Meurk, Nadya Zvyagna, Rhys O. Gardner,
Guy Forrester, Mike Wilcox, Graeme Hall, Heather North,
Stella Belliss, Kathryn Whaley, Bill Sykes, Jerry Cooper
and Kathryn O’Halloran
19 Carbon and nitrogen cycling in soils of remnant forests
along urban–rural gradients: case studies in the New York
metropolitan area and Louisville, Kentucky 308
Margaret M. Carreiro, Richard V. Pouyat, Christopher E. Tripler
and Wei-Xing Zhu
20 Investigative approaches to urban biogeochemical cycles:
New York metropolitan area and Baltimore as case studies 329
Richard V. Pouyat, Margaret M. Carreiro, Peter M. Groffman
and Mitchell A. Pavao-Zuckerman
Part III Integrating science with management
and planning 353
21 Structural analysis of urban landscapes for landscape
management in German cities 355
Ju¨rgen H. Breuste
22 Preservation of original natural vegetation in urban areas:
an overview 380
Clas Florga°rd
23 Homogeneity of urban biotopes and similarity of landscape
design language in former colonial cities 399
Maria E. Ignatieva and Glenn H. Stewart
24 Tools to assess human impact on biotope resilience
and biodiversity in urban planning: examples from
Stockholm, Sweden 422
Katarina Lo¨fvenhaft
25 Landscape ecological analysis and assessment
in an urbanising environment 439
Ulla Mo¨rtberg
26 Applying landscape ecological principles to a fascinating
landscape: the city 456
Robbert Snep, Wim Timmermans and Robert Kwak
27 A trans-disciplinary research approach providing
a platform for improved urban design, quality
of life and biodiverse urban ecosystems 470
Charles T. Eason, Jennifer E. Dixon and Marjorie R. van Roon
28 Pattern:process metaphors for metropolitan landscapes 484
Laura R. Musacchio
29 Valuing urban wetlands: modification, preservation
and restoration 503
Glenn R. Guntenspergen, Andrew H. Baldwin, Dianna M. Hogan,
Hilary A. Neckles and Martha G. Nielsen
Part IV Comments and synthesis 521
30 What is the main object of urban ecology?
Determining demarcation using the example
of research into urban flora 523
Ru¨diger Wittig
31 How to conduct comparative urban ecological research 530
Susanna Lehva¨virta and D. Johan Kotze
32 Ecological scientific knowledge in urban and land-use
planning 549
Kristina L. Nilsson and Clas Florga°rd
33 Envisioning further steps in comparative urban ecology 557
Orie Loucks
34 Towards a comparative ecology of cities and towns 567
Kirsten Parris
A comparative ecology of cities and towns: synthesis
of opportunities and limitations 574
Amy K. Hahs, Mark J. McDonnell and Ju¨rgen H. Breuste
References 597
Index 700
The colour plates are situated between pages 362 and 363