زد فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

زد فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

Patterns of Internet Use by Persons With Spinal Cord Injuries and Relationship to Health-Related Quality of Life

اختصاصی از زد فایل Patterns of Internet Use by Persons With Spinal Cord Injuries and Relationship to Health-Related Quality of Life دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Mari-Lynn Drainoni, PhD, Bethlyn Houlihan, MSW, MPH, Steve Williams, MD, Mark Vedrani, MPH,

ABSTRACT. Drainoni M-L, Houlihan B, Williams S, Vedrani
M, Esch D, Lee-Hood E, Weiner C. Patterns of Internet
use by persons with spinal cord injuries and relationship to
health-related quality of life. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004;85:
Objectives: To examine patterns of computer and Internet
use among persons with spinal cord injuries (SCI) and to assess
the relationship between Internet use and health-related quality
of life (HRQOL).
Design: Cross-sectional survey design.
Setting: National Model Spinal Cord Injury Systems.
Participants: People with SCI enrolled in a national
Interventions: Not applicable.
Main Outcome Measures: Patterns of Internet use and
relationship to HRQOL indicators: self-perceived health status,
health status compared with 1 year ago, severity of depression,
social integration score, occupation score, contacts with
friends, business contacts, and satisfaction with life.
Results: Most subjects owned computers, had Internet access,
and used the Internet regularly—primarily for email,
disability and health information, and shopping. Bivariate analysis
revealed significant differences in Internet access based on
sociodemographics, particularly among subjects with less education
and among African Americans and Hispanics. In initial
univariate analysis, most HRQOL indicators were significantly
better for Internet users; once sociodemographic factors were
included, 4 indicators remained significant.
Conclusions: Complex factors contribute to Internet access
among people with SCI, with more barriers among specific
subgroups. A significant HRQOL benefit from Internet use is
suggested. Targeted interventions and studies of usage patterns
are recommended.
Key Words: Internet; Minority groups; Quality of life;
Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries.
© 2004 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and
RehabilitationDavid Esch, PhD, Elizabeth Lee-Hood, MS, MTS, Cheryl Weiner, MPH

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Patterns of Internet Use by Persons With Spinal Cord Injuries and Relationship to Health-Related Quality of Life

دانلود مقاله Comparing ARQ and HARQ Protocols for WSN and MIMO SYSTEMS

اختصاصی از زد فایل دانلود مقاله Comparing ARQ and HARQ Protocols for WSN and MIMO SYSTEMS دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

دانلود مقاله Comparing ARQ and HARQ Protocols for WSN and MIMO SYSTEMS

دانلود مقاله Comparing ARQ and HARQ Protocols for WSN and MIMO SYSTEMS

Comparing ARQ and HARQ Protocols for WSN and MIMO SYSTEMS

Praveen Francis Rego
Matriculation Number: 30104837
Marc Selig

September, 2011

A major concern in data communications is the effective and efficient control of transmission errors caused by channel noise so that error-free data can be delivered to the user. In view of this concern, to achieve error-free data, various Data Link Layer error-control schemes were proposed. Automatic-repeat-request (ARQ) schemes and Hybrid ARQ (HARQ) have been considered.

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دانلود مقاله Comparing ARQ and HARQ Protocols for WSN and MIMO SYSTEMS


اختصاصی از زد فایل SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT COMMUNITIES دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .



شامل بخش های زیر است

Foreword vii
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction xi
Chapter 1 The Built Environments and Its
Supporting Systems 1
Defi ning the Built Environment 1
Defi ning the Supporting Systems 2
The Two Fundamental Types of Built
Environments 3
The Two Fundamental Types of Supporting
Systems 13
Chapter 2 The Process of Transformation 25
Sustainable Plan-Making 25
The Plan-Making Steps 25
Chapter 3 The Physical Built Environment 59
Sustainable Community Commerce
—Seth Harry 59
Building Sustainable Communities:
The Ecological Toolkit—Michael Mehaffy 68
Bioclimatic Building Design
—Erin Cubbinson 77
A Sustainable Commercial Framework
—Seth Harry 86
Neighborhood Resource Center
—Michael Mehaffy 90
Green Renovation—Gaither Pratt 93
Attainable and Resilient Housing
—Sara Hines 96
Chapter 4 The Regulatory Environment 101
Sustainability Planning and the Law
—Dan Slone 101
Transforming the Built Environment Through
Form-Based Coding—Stephen Coyle 114
Legal Impediments Survey—Dan Slone 129
Transfer of Development Rights
—Rick Pruetz 133
The SmartCode—Sandy Sorlien 137
GHG Emissions Inventory and Forecast
—Daniel Dunigan and Dana Perls 141
Chapter 5 Transportation 145
Sustainable Transportation and Transit
Planning—Strategies for Comprehensive
Regional Transportation Plans and Transit-
Oriented Development
—Sam Zimbabwe 145
An Incremental Approach: Developing a Long-
Term Comprehensive Regional Transportation
Plan—Trent Lethco 159
Transportation for Livable Communities
—Sam Zimbabwe 165
Transit-Oriented Development
—Sam Zimbabwe 168
Spectrum of Change Tool Trent Lethco 171
Parking—When Less Is More
—Norman Garrick and
—Wesley Marshall 176
Green Streetscapes for Local Streets
—Paul Crabtree 180
Multimodal Network and Connectivity
Planning Program—Jim Daisa 185
Chapter 6 Energy 189
The Energy Shift—Jon Roberts 189
Awareness for Communities about the
Environment—Cyane Dandridge 201
Housing Energy Program—Cyane Dandridge
Energy Effi ciency and Renewable Energy in
New Building Design
—Jeannie Renne-Malone 209

Chapter 7 Water 213
Stormwater Management—Light Imprint
—Duany Plater-Zyberk and Company 213
Decentralized Wastewater Management
—Eric Lohan with Will Kirksy 227
Regional Watershed Management Planning
—Paul Crabtree 239
Chapter 8 Natural Environment 243
Sustainable Landscaping—John Harris 243
Sustainable Landscaping: Building Green
Assets—Katie O’Reilly Rogers 255
Plant *SF—Jane Martin 260
A Diversifi ed Carbon Sequestration and
Cellulosic Biofuels Program
—Daniel Dunigan 264
Chapter 9 Food Production/Agriculture 269
Sustainable Food Systems—Lynn Peemoeller 269
Urban Orchards—Lynn Peemoeller 284
Urban Agriculture—Raoul Adamchak 287
Urban Edge Agricultural Parks
—Sibella Kraus 291
Chapter 10 Solid Waste 295
Sustainable Materials Management
—Daniel T. Sicular 295
Home Composting—Daniel T. Sicular 309
Commercial and Institutional Recycling:
Targeting the Top Waste Producers
—Daniel T. Sicular 313
GHG Emissions Benefi ts of Recycling and
Organics Management—Jeff Caton 316
Chapter 11 Economics 321
Sustainable Economic Development:
The Longer View
—Dave Leland and Chris Zahas 321
A Sustainable Return on Investment
—John Williams 332
Downtown Revitalization
—Dave Leland and Chris Zahas 342
Chapter 12 Engagement and Education 345
Creating and Managing Sustainability
for a Municipality—Susan J. Daluddung
Green Your Ride—Susan J. Daluddung
Chapter 13 Public Health 357
Ambient Outdoor Air Quality: Community
Health—Anthony Bernheim 357
A Holistic Public Health Approach
—Karen Mendrala 370
Creating Healthier Communities Through
Policy Change—Karen Shore 380
Appendix 383
Endnotes 391
Contributors 394
Index 398

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Expression analysis of BORIS during pluripotent, differentiated, cancerous, and non-cancerous cell states

اختصاصی از زد فایل Expression analysis of BORIS during pluripotent, differentiated, cancerous, and non-cancerous cell states دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .
نام مقاله:
Expression analysis of BORIS during pluripotent, differentiated, cancerous, and non-cancerous cell states

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Expression analysis of BORIS during pluripotent, differentiated, cancerous, and non-cancerous cell states