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کتاب مهندسی خطوط لوله (Pipeline Engineering)، مشتمل بر 14 فصل، 423 صفحه، با فرمت PDF، به زبان انگلیسی، همراه با تصاویر و روابط مهم و فرمول های کاربردی سیالات و لوله ها، به ترتیب زیر گردآوری شده است:
Chapter 1: Introduction
- Definition and Scope
- Brief History of Pipelines
- Existing Major Pipelines
- Importance of Pipelines
- Freight (Solids) Transport by Pipelines
- Types of Pipelines
- Components of Pipelines
- Advantages of Pipelines
Chapter 2: Single-Phase Incompressible Flow of Newtonian Fluid
- Introduction
- Flow Regimes
- Local Mean Velocity and Its Distribution (Velocity Profile)
- Flow Equations for One-Dimensional Analysis
- Hydraulic and Energy Grade Lines
- Cavitation in Pipeline Systems
- Pipes in Series and Parallel
- Interconnected Reservoirs
- Pipe Network
- Unsteady Flow in Pipe
- Quasi-Steady Solution
- Unsteady Solution: Water Hammer
- Surge Tanks
Chapter 3: Single-Phase Compressible Flow in Pipe
- Flow Analysis for Ideal Gas
- Flow Analysis for Real (Nonideal) Gas
- Work, Energy, and Power Required for Compression of Gas
Chapter 4: Non-Newtonian Fluids
- Introduction
- Classification of Non-Newtonian Fluids
- Rheological Properties and Laws of Non-Newtonian Fluids
- Non-Newtonian Pipe Flow: Laminar
- Non-Newtonian Pipe Flow: Turbulent
Chapter 5: Flow of Solid-Liquid Mixture in Pipe (Slurry Pipelines)
- Flow Regimes
- Pseudohomogeneous Flows
- Heterogeneous Flows
- Intermediate Flow Regime
- Practical Considerations
Chapter 6: Flow of Solid-Gas Mixture in Pipe (Pneumotransport)
- Introduction
- Types of Pneumatic Conveying
- Flow Characteristics
- System Layouts
- System Design
- Safety Considerations
- Analyses
Chapter 7: Capsule Pipelines
- Introduction and History
- Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline (PCP)
- Hydraulic Capsule Pipeline (HCP)
- Coal Log Pipeline (CLP)
- Conclusion
Chapter 8: Pipes, Fittings, Valves, and Pressure Regulators
- Types of Pipe
- Pipe Designation
- Connections (Joints)
- Fittings
- Valves
- Pressure Relief Valves and Pressure Regulating Valves
Chapter 9: Pumps and Turbines
- Energy Conversions by Pumps and Turbines
- Types of Pumps and Turbines
- Pump Drivers
- Coupling Pumps to Drivers
- Pump Control, Operation, and Maintenance
- Pump Selection
- Compressors, Blowers, and Fans
- Turbines
- Dimensionless Parameters
Chapter 10: Instrumentation and Pigging
- Flowmeters
- Sensors and Equipment
- Pigs (Scrapers)
Chapter 11: Protection of Pipelines against Abrasion, Freezing, and Corrosion
- Lining, Coating, and Wrapping
- Insulation, Tracing, Jacketing, and Electric Heating
- Protection against Corrosion
Chapter 12: Planning and Construction of Pipelines
- Procedures Involved in Planning and Construction of New Pipelines
- Measures to Allow Pipeline Expansion
- Bending of Pipes
- Connecting Pipes
- Boring and Tunneling to Install Pipe Trenchless Technologies
- Pipeline Construction in Marsh and Swamp
- Offshore Construction
- Cold-Region Construction
Chapter 13: Structural Design of Pipelines
- Introduction
- Load Considerations
- Performance Analysis and Design
Chapter 14: Pipeline Operations, Monitoring, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation
- General Operation of Pipelines
- Automatic Control Systems
- Integrity Monitoring and Leak Detection
- Integrity Management Program
- Risk-Based Management
- Pipeline Maintenance
- Trenchless Rehabilitation Methods

جهت خرید کتاب مهندسی خطوط لوله (Pipeline Engineering)، به مبلغ فقط 2000 تومان و دانلود آن بر لینک پرداخت و دانلود در پنجره زیر کلیک نمایید.
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